Astronomy Answers: AstronomyAnswerBook: Atoms and Elementary Particles

Astronomy Answers
AstronomyAnswerBook: Atoms and Elementary Particles

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1. What is in the Space Between Elementary Particles?

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This page answers questions about atoms and elementary particles. The questions are:


1. What is in the Space Between Elementary Particles?

Most of space is empty. In the classical view of nature, there is absolutely nothing in the space outside of elementary particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. The vast majority of the volume of an atom is entirely empty.

In the more modern quantum view of nature, all of this is more complicated, because there empty space is not in fact always completely empty, because there "virtual particles" (// can still yield some effects, though they lack some essential properties of existence. I think that one can say that even in the quantum view of nature the vast majority of the volume of an atom is empty.



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Last updated: 2021-07-19