\(\def\|{&}\DeclareMathOperator{\D}{\bigtriangleup\!} \DeclareMathOperator{\d}{\text{d}\!}\)
Type | : | Planetary System | ─── | Moon |
Size | : | 0.1 AE | ─── | 3476 km |
Earth | : | the Earth System | ─── | the Moon |
There is no fundamental physical difference between a moon and a planet. If two or more celestial bodies that could each be a planet or a moon orbit around each other, then the bigger one is called the planet, and the smaller ones are the moons.
There are at least 156 known moons in the Solar System. A number of (usually very small) moons still waits for an official name. The distribution of the known moons over the planets is shown in the following table, which also displays for each planet the last year of the discovery of a moon (per 2006-05-25). It may take a year or two before the existence and orbit of a newly discovered moon are sufficiently clear that it can get an official name.
Table 1: Satellite Discoveries in the Solar System
planet | moons | latest discovery |
Mercury | 0 | |
Venus | 0 | |
Earth | 1 | prehistory |
Mars | 2 | 1877 |
Jupiter | 63 | 2003 |
Saturn | 47 | 2005 |
Uranus | 27 | 2003 |
Neptune | 13 | 2003 |
Pluto | 3 | 2005 |
Below, a number of tables are presented that compare different characteristics of the moons from our Solar System. For each characteristic, information is given for at least the ten moons that have the most of that characteristic. If a certain planet has none of its moons in the top ten, then the moon from that planet that has the characteristic the most is also mentioned in the table. These are the characteristics for which the moons are compared:
This table shows the moons that are on average the furthest from or the closest to the center of their planet, measured in units of 1000 km.
Moon | Planet | Distance | ||
156 | 1 | S/2002 N4 | Neptune | 48387 |
155 | 2 | S/2003 N1 | Neptune | 46695 |
154 | 3 | S/2003 J2 | Jupiter | 29541 |
153 | 4 | S/2004 S8 | Saturn | 25108 |
152 | 5 | Cyllene | Jupiter | 24349 |
151 | 6 | Callirrhoe | Jupiter | 24103 |
150 | 7 | Autonoe | Jupiter | 24046 |
149 | 8 | Kallichore | Jupiter | 24043 |
148 | 9 | Aoede | Jupiter | 23981 |
147 | 10 | Hegemone | Jupiter | 23947 |
107 | 50 | Ferdinand | Uranus | 20901 |
50 | 107 | Moon | Earth | 384 |
28 | 129 | Pan | Saturn | 134 |
25 | 132 | Metis | Jupiter | 128 |
10 | 147 | Bianca | Uranus | 59 |
9 | 148 | Ophelia | Uranus | 59 |
8 | 149 | Despina | Neptune | 53 |
7 | 150 | Thalassa | Neptune | 50 |
6 | 151 | S/2005 P2 | Pluto | 50 |
5 | 152 | Cordelia | Uranus | 50 |
4 | 153 | Naiad | Neptune | 48 |
3 | 154 | Deimos | Mars | 23 |
2 | 155 | Charon | Pluto | 20 |
1 | 156 | Phobos | Mars | 9 |
The largest moon orbit (of S/2002 N4) is about 5000 times greater in diameter than the smallest moon orbit (of Phobos).
Seventeen moons and one asteroid have a diameter of at least 1000 km. Those celestial bodies and the largest moon of Mars are listed in the following table, with their diameters measured in kilometers.
Moon | Planet | Diameter | |
1 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 5262 |
2 | Titan | Saturn | 5151 |
Mercury | 4880 | ||
3 | Callisto | Jupiter | 4821 |
4 | Io | Jupiter | 3643 |
5 | Moon | Earth | 3474 |
6 | Europa | Jupiter | 3122 |
7 | Triton | Neptune | 2707 |
Pluto | 2274 | ||
8 | Titania | Uranus | 1578 |
9 | Rhea | Saturn | 1529 |
10 | Oberon | Uranus | 1523 |
11 | Iapetus | Saturn | 1469 |
12 | Charon | Pluto | 1186 |
13 | Umbriel | Uranus | 1169 |
14 | Ariel | Uranus | 1158 |
15 | Dione | Saturn | 1125 |
16 | Tethys | Saturn | 1060 |
17 | 1 Ceres | asteroid | 1003 |
71 | Phobos | Mars | 22 |
Two moons are larger than the planet Mercury, and seven moons are larger than the planet Pluto.
The next table shows the moons with the largest diameter relative to their planets, in general and for each planet.
Moon | Planet | Relative Diameter | |
1 | Charon | Pluto | 0.52 |
2 | Moon | Earth | 0.27 |
3 | Triton | Neptune | 0.055 |
4 | Titan | Saturn | 0.043 |
5 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 0.037 |
6 | Callisto | Jupiter | 0.034 |
7 | Titania | Uranus | 0.031 |
8 | Oberon | Uranus | 0.030 |
9 | Io | Jupiter | 0.025 |
10 | Umbriel | Uranus | 0.023 |
25 | Phobos | Mars | 0.003 |
This table lists the moons with the greatest mass, compared to the mass of the Moon, in general and for each planet. I do not have information about the masses of all of the moons. The missing masses are most likely smaller than the mass of Charon, but may in some cases be greater than the mass of Phobos.
Mass | Planet | Moon | |
1 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 2.02 |
2 | Titan | Saturn | 1.83 |
3 | Callisto | Jupiter | 1.46 |
4 | Io | Jupiter | 1.22 |
5 | Moon | Earth | 1.00 |
6 | Europa | Jupiter | 0.65 |
7 | Triton | Neptune | 0.29 |
8 | Titania | Uranus | 0.048 |
9 | Oberon | Uranus | 0.041 |
10 | Rhea | Saturn | 0.031 |
12 | Charon | Pluto | 0.022 |
66 | Phobos | Mars | 0.00000015 |
The next table displays the greatest masses of moons relative to the mass of their planets. Only moons of which I know the mass have been included.
Moon | Planet | Relative Mass | |
1 | Charon | Pluto | 0.13 |
2 | Moon | Earth | 0.012 |
3 | Titan | Saturn | 0.00024 |
4 | Triton | Neptune | 0.00021 |
5 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 0.000078 |
6 | Callisto | Jupiter | 0.000057 |
7 | Io | Jupiter | 0.000047 |
8 | Titania | Uranus | 0.000041 |
9 | Oberon | Uranus | 0.000035 |
10 | Europa | Jupiter | 0.000025 |
28 | Phobos | Mars | 0.000000017 |
This table shows the moons with the greatest gravity at their surface (compared to the gravity at the surface of the Earth):
Table 2: Moons with the Greatest Gravity at their Surface
Moon | Planet | Gravity | |
1 | Io | Jupiter | 0.183 |
2 | Moon | Earth | 0.166 |
3 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 0.146 |
4 | Titan | Saturn | 0.138 |
5 | Europa | Jupiter | 0.134 |
6 | Callisto | Jupiter | 0.126 |
7 | Triton | Neptune | 0.080 |
Pluto | 0.067 | ||
8 | Titania | Uranus | 0.038 |
9 | Oberon | Uranus | 0.035 |
10 | Charon | Pluto | 0.031 |
62 | Phobos | Mars | 0.000000017 |
The gravity on seven moons is greater than the gravity on the planet Pluto.
The orbits of moons that are far enough away from their planet are influenced by the gravity of the Sun. We can measure this influence through the kmoon of the tidal boundary. The moons with the greatest influence of the Sun on their orbits are:
Moon | Planet | kMoon | |
1 | S/2003 J2 | Jupiter | 0.39 |
2 | Cyllene | Jupiter | 0.32 |
3 | Callirrhoe | Jupiter | 0.31 |
4 | Autonoe | Jupiter | 0.31 |
5 | Kallichore | Jupiter | 0.31 |
6 | Aoede | Jupiter | 0.31 |
7 | Hegemone | Jupiter | 0.31 |
8 | Sinope | Jupiter | 0.31 |
9 | S/2003 J4 | Jupiter | 0.31 |
10 | Eukelade | Jupiter | 0.31 |
33 | S/2002 N4 | Neptune | 0.28 |
48 | S/2004 S8 | Saturn | 0.27 |
62 | Ferdinand | Uranus | 0.21 |
73 | Moon | Earth | 0.18 |
101 | Deimos | Mars | 0.015 |
106 | S/2005 P1 | Pluto | 0.0059 |
Some moons are made of heavier elements, and others of lighter elements. We can calculate the mass density of a moon if we know its mass and its size. For many of the smallest moons, we do not know the mass and size very accurately, so for such moons we cannot calculate the mass density accurately, either. The below table includes moons with a diameter of 100 km or more, and also smaller moons for which we know the shape (i.e, not just an estimate of the radius) and for which we have an estimate of the mass. The table lists the moons with the greatest density (compared to water), in general and for each planet, and the moons with the smallest known density.
Moon | Planet | Density | |
1 | Io | Jupiter | 3.5 |
2 | Moon | Earth | 3.5 |
3 | Europa | Jupiter | 3.0 |
4 | Himalia | Jupiter | 2.6 |
5 | Triton | Neptune | 2.0 |
6 | Ganymede | Jupiter | 1.9 |
7 | Titan | Saturn | 1.9 |
8 | Phobos | Mars | 1.9 |
9 | Charon | Pluto | 1.9 |
10 | Callisto | Jupiter | 1.8 |
11 | Titania | Uranus | 1.7 |
The moons with high densities consist mainly of rocky material. Moons with ever lower densities contain ever more ice.
The next table shows the moons with the greatest and smallest speed in their orbit around their planet, measured in kilometers per second. 1 kilometer per second is the same as 3600 kilometers per hour, or 2237 miles per hour.
Moon | Planet | Orbital Speed | ||
Mercury | 47.9 | |||
Venus | 35.0 | |||
140 | 1 | Metis | Jupiter | 31.6 |
139 | 2 | Adrastea | Jupiter | 31.3 |
Earth | 29.8 | |||
138 | 3 | Amalthea | Jupiter | 26.4 |
Mars | 24.1 | |||
137 | 4 | Thebe | Jupiter | 23.9 |
136 | 5 | Io | Jupiter | 17.3 |
135 | 6 | Pan | Saturn | 16.9 |
134 | 7 | Atlas | Saturn | 16.6 |
133 | 8 | Prometheus | Saturn | 16.5 |
132 | 9 | Pandora | Saturn | 16.4 |
131 | 10 | Janus | Saturn | 15.9 |
124 | 17 | Naiad | Neptune | 11.9 |
121 | 20 | Ophelia | Uranus | 11.4 |
Pluto | 4.7 | |||
34 | 107 | Phobos | Mars | 2.1 |
33 | 108 | S/2003 J14 | Jupiter | 2.1 |
19 | 122 | Deimos | Mars | 1.35 |
18 | 123 | Ymir | Saturn | 1.28 |
16 | 125 | Moon | Earth | 1.02 |
10 | 131 | S/2002 N1 | Neptune | 0.61 |
9 | 132 | Prospero | Uranus | 0.59 |
8 | 133 | Setebos | Uranus | 0.58 |
7 | 134 | S/2002 N3 | Neptune | 0.58 |
6 | 135 | S/2002 N2 | Neptune | 0.56 |
5 | 136 | Ferdinand | Uranus | 0.54 |
4 | 137 | S/2002 N4 | Neptune | 0.40 |
3 | 138 | Francisco | Uranus | 0.39 |
2 | 139 | S/2003 N1 | Neptune | 0.37 |
1 | 140 | Charon | Pluto | 0.22 |
The fastest moons are very fast, but not as fast as the planets Mercury and Venus. Over ninety moons have a smaller average orbital speed than the planet Pluto.
The next table shows the moons with the longest and shortest sidereal orbital periods ("months"). For each moon, the period is shown in hours, days, and/or years, but it is the same period each time. So: the orbital period of Setebos is 2246 days, which is about 6.1 years.
Moon | Planet | Hours | Days | Years | |
156 1 | S/2002 N4 | Neptune | 25.6 | ||
155 2 | S/2003 N1 | Neptune | 24.3 | ||
154 3 | S/2002 N3 | Neptune | 3183 | 8.7 | |
153 4 | S/2002 N2 | Neptune | 2953 | 8.1 | |
152 5 | Ferdinand | Uranus | 2887 | 7.9 | |
151 6 | Setebos | Uranus | 2196 | 6.0 | |
150 7 | Prospero | Uranus | 1980 | 5.4 | |
149 8 | S/2002 N1 | Neptune | 1735 | 4.7 | |
148 9 | Margaret | Uranus | 1642 | 4.5 | |
147 10 | S/2004 S8 | Saturn | 1486 | 4.1 | |
136 21 | S/2003 J2 | Jupiter | 1037 | 2.8 | |
Mars | 687 | 1.9 | |||
Earth | 365 | 1.0 | |||
59 98 | S/2005 P1 | Pluto | 41.4 | ||
57 100 | Moon | Earth | 27.3 | ||
35 122 | Deimos | Mars | 30.3 | 1.3 | |
18 139 | Pan | Saturn | 13.8 | ||
10 147 | Bianca | Uranus | 10.4 | ||
9 148 | Ophelia | Uranus | 10.3 | ||
8 149 | Galatea | Neptune | 10.3 | ||
7 150 | Cordelia | Uranus | 8.1 | ||
6 151 | Despina | Neptune | 8.0 | ||
5 152 | Phobos | Mars | 7.7 | ||
4 153 | Thalassa | Neptune | 7.5 | ||
3 154 | Adrastea | Jupiter | 7.2 | ||
2 155 | Metis | Jupiter | 7.1 | ||
1 156 | Naiad | Neptune | 7.1 |
There are 88 moons that take more than a year to complete one orbit, and 31 moons that take less than a day. The moon S/2002 N4, which takes longest of all moons to orbit its planet, takes about 31,000 times longer to do that than the moon Naiad which does it in the shortest time.
The next table shows the moons with the highest and lowest equilibrium temperature (average surface temperature), based on the visual geometric albedo of the moons, and measured in kelvin (K) and degrees Celsius (℃). Many of the smaller moons of a given planet have the same estimated albedo, so they have the same estimated temperature.
Moon | Planet | K | ℃ | |
1 | Moon | Earth | 270 | −3 |
2 | Phobos | Mars | 222 | −51 |
3 | Deimos | Mars | 222 | −51 |
4 | Elara | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
5 | Himalia | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
6 | Callirrhoe | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
7 | Chaldene | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
8 | Erinome | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
9 | Harpalyke | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
10 | Iocaste | Jupiter | 121 | −152 |
66 | Europa | Jupiter | 93 | −180 |
67 | Methone | Saturn | 90 | −183 |
111 | Francisco | Uranus | 63 | −210 |
138 | Ariel | Uranus | 56 | −217 |
133 | Tethys | Saturn | 60 | −213 |
139 | Naiad | Neptune | 50 | −223 |
153 | Charon | Pluto | 39 | −234 |
154 | Triton | Neptune | 36 | −237 |
Last updated: 2021-07-19