Astronomy Answers: Figures
Below is a list of all figures that have a title in these web pages,
with references to their locations.
- 0621T05
- 0621T06
- 0621T11
- 0621T12
- 0621T13
- 0621T15
- 0621T16
- 0°
- 1221T10
- 1221T11
- 15-30°
- 15°
- 30°
- Benelux
- Chelm
- Conjunction Intervals Diagram
- Conjunction Spread Diagram
- Coordinate Transformations
- Coordinate systems C, E, Q, q, T
- Coordinate systems C, c, Q, q
- Day-Night Amplitude
- Declination of Sun and Moon (1)
- Declination of Sun and Moon (2)
- Declination of Sun and Moon (3)
- Declination of Sun and Moon (4)
- Diagram Earth/Celestial Pole/Celestial Equator
- Diagram of a Solution of the Two-Body Problem
- Diagram of the Chance for Conjunctions
- Diagram of the Closest Possible Conjunctions
- Distance Difference Noon - Sunrise
- Drawing of a Great Circle on a Sphere
- Ecliptic on Celestial Sphere
- Ellipses with different eccentricities
- Elliptic Orbit
- Elongation of Saturn (15 days)
- Elongation of Saturn (2 days)
- Energy in the Earth-Moon System
- Ephemeris Comparison: Venus
- Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP
- Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP (Phase Difference)
- Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP (detail)
- Evolution of the Distance of the Moon
- Evolution of the Length of the Sidereal Day
- Evolution of the Length of the Sidereal Month
- Evolution of the Month in the Far Distant Future
- Example with 2 asymptotes
- Example with 3 Asymptotes
- Fase voor verschillende frequenties, één frequentie in de data
- Fase voor één frequentie, twee frequenties in de data
- Frequency Spectrum
- Frequency Spectrum Showing Aliasing
- Frequentiespectrum
- Gesorteerde fase voor (omgekeerde) veelvouden van de frequentie
- Gesorteerde fase voor verschillende perioden
- Great Circle Through Amsterdam and San Francisco
- Great Circle on a Map
- Hohmann Transfer Orbit
- Hohmann Transfer Orbit
- Huelva
- Hyperbolic Orbit
- Hyperbolic Orbits With Different Eccentricities
- Illustration of Transformation from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
- Illustration of the Angular Distance Between P₁ and P₂
- Kepler Equation: Best Initial Estimate Selection
- Kepler Equation: Combined Iterations Count
- Kepler Equation: E versus M and e
- Kepler Equation: E versus M_q and e
- Kepler Equation: E_r versus M_q and e
- Kepler Equation: Iterations Count
- Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for Large Anomalies
- Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for Small Anomalies
- Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for a Real Implementation
- Kepler Equation: Used Initial Estimate
- Kepler Equation: r/q versus M_q and e
- Kepler Equation: r/q − 1 versus M_q and e
- Kepler Equation: ν versus M and e
- Kepler Equation: ν versus M_q and e
- Least Distance Venus - Pleiades 1600 - 2400
- Lunar Rise-Transit-Set 0°
- Lunar Rise-Transit-Set 52°
- Measurements Diagram
- Meetreeksgrafiek met proefreeks
- Northernmost and Southernmost Point on a Great Circle
- Orbits Through 2 Points
- Orbits of Inner Planets
- Orbits of Outer Planets
- Orbits of Outer Planets (2)
- Orbits with Fixed Pericenter Distances
- Oslo
- Parabolic Orbit
- Periods in the Earth-Moon System
- Picture of Jupiter, Saturn and Pleiades
- Planet Orbits
- Planets Diagram 2000-2001
- Planets Diagram 2002-2003
- Planets Diagram 2040-2041
- Sky Motion Diagram
- Sky Motion Diagram
- Solar Cycles 1749-2006
- Solar Eclipse Duration vs. Distance Ratio
- Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the characteristic speed
- Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the circular orbit speed at apofocus
- Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the circular orbit speed at perifocus
- Sunlight in a Dutch Garden
- Sunrise and Sunset
- Temperature Frequency Spectrum (1)
- Temperature Frequency Spectrum (2)
- The Sun in the Netherlands
- Transition Orbit
- True Solar Time
- times of the sun
- δ_max, P_max, b_min
languages: [en] [nl]
Last updated: 2021-07-19