Astronomy Answers: Figures

Astronomy Answers

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Below is a list of all figures that have a title in these web pages, with references to their locations.

  1. 0621T05
  2. 0621T06
  3. 0621T11
  4. 0621T12
  5. 0621T13
  6. 0621T15
  7. 0621T16
  8. 1221T10
  9. 1221T11
  10. 15-30°
  11. 15°
  12. 30°
  13. Benelux
  14. Chelm
  15. Conjunction Intervals Diagram
  16. Conjunction Spread Diagram
  17. Coordinate Transformations
  18. Coordinate systems C, E, Q, q, T
  19. Coordinate systems C, c, Q, q
  20. Day-Night Amplitude
  21. Declination of Sun and Moon (1)
  22. Declination of Sun and Moon (2)
  23. Declination of Sun and Moon (3)
  24. Declination of Sun and Moon (4)
  25. Diagram Earth/Celestial Pole/Celestial Equator
  26. Diagram of a Solution of the Two-Body Problem
  27. Diagram of the Chance for Conjunctions
  28. Diagram of the Closest Possible Conjunctions
  29. Distance Difference Noon - Sunrise
  30. Drawing of a Great Circle on a Sphere
  31. Ecliptic on Celestial Sphere
  32. Ellipses with different eccentricities
  33. Elliptic Orbit
  34. Elongation of Saturn (15 days)
  35. Elongation of Saturn (2 days)
  36. Energy in the Earth-Moon System
  37. Ephemeris Comparison: Venus
  38. Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP
  39. Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP (Phase Difference)
  40. Ephemeris Comparison: Venus / IAU - VSOP (detail)
  41. Evolution of the Distance of the Moon
  42. Evolution of the Length of the Sidereal Day
  43. Evolution of the Length of the Sidereal Month
  44. Evolution of the Month in the Far Distant Future
  45. Example with 2 asymptotes
  46. Example with 3 Asymptotes
  47. Fase voor verschillende frequenties, één frequentie in de data
  48. Fase voor één frequentie, twee frequenties in de data
  49. Frequency Spectrum
  50. Frequency Spectrum Showing Aliasing
  51. Frequentiespectrum
  52. Gesorteerde fase voor (omgekeerde) veelvouden van de frequentie
  53. Gesorteerde fase voor verschillende perioden
  54. Great Circle Through Amsterdam and San Francisco
  55. Great Circle on a Map
  56. Hohmann Transfer Orbit
  57. Hohmann Transfer Orbit
  58. Huelva
  59. Hyperbolic Orbit
  60. Hyperbolic Orbits With Different Eccentricities
  61. Illustration of Transformation from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
  62. Illustration of the Angular Distance Between P₁ and P₂
  63. Kepler Equation: Best Initial Estimate Selection
  64. Kepler Equation: Combined Iterations Count
  65. Kepler Equation: E versus M and e
  66. Kepler Equation: E versus M_q and e
  67. Kepler Equation: E_r versus M_q and e
  68. Kepler Equation: Iterations Count
  69. Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for Large Anomalies
  70. Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for Small Anomalies
  71. Kepler Equation: Iterations Count for a Real Implementation
  72. Kepler Equation: Used Initial Estimate
  73. Kepler Equation: r/q versus M_q and e
  74. Kepler Equation: r/q − 1 versus M_q and e
  75. Kepler Equation: ν versus M and e
  76. Kepler Equation: ν versus M_q and e
  77. Least Distance Venus - Pleiades 1600 - 2400
  78. Lunar Rise-Transit-Set 0°
  79. Lunar Rise-Transit-Set 52°
  80. Measurements Diagram
  81. Meetreeksgrafiek met proefreeks
  82. Northernmost and Southernmost Point on a Great Circle
  83. Orbits Through 2 Points
  84. Orbits of Inner Planets
  85. Orbits of Outer Planets
  86. Orbits of Outer Planets (2)
  87. Orbits with Fixed Pericenter Distances
  88. Oslo
  89. Parabolic Orbit
  90. Periods in the Earth-Moon System
  91. Picture of Jupiter, Saturn and Pleiades
  92. Planet Orbits
  93. Planets Diagram 2000-2001
  94. Planets Diagram 2002-2003
  95. Planets Diagram 2040-2041
  96. Sky Motion Diagram
  97. Sky Motion Diagram
  98. Solar Cycles 1749-2006
  99. Solar Eclipse Duration vs. Distance Ratio
  100. Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the characteristic speed
  101. Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the circular orbit speed at apofocus
  102. Speed differences in a Hohmann transfer orbit, compared to the circular orbit speed at perifocus
  103. Sunlight in a Dutch Garden
  104. Sunrise and Sunset
  105. Temperature Frequency Spectrum (1)
  106. Temperature Frequency Spectrum (2)
  107. The Sun in the Netherlands
  108. Transition Orbit
  109. True Solar Time
  110. times of the sun
  111. δ_max, P_max, b_min


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Last updated: 2021-07-19